On point 3, the difference is that vaccines are injected aluminum, not orally consumed. The ATSDR’s limit is 1mg/kg body weight per day ORALLY, and this is based on .1% absorption rate into the bloodstream (digestive system blocks most of it). So the injectable limit based on these guidelines is .001 mg/kg body weight per day. For one example, the recombivax hep B shot has 250 micrograms of aluminum in it. Say a baby is 3.3kg, so their injectable daily aluminum limit would be 3.3 micrograms. This one shot alone is 75x the safe limit for a 7 lb baby. In other words, definitely not well below the safe limit as stated in your post.
They teach them in medical school that injecting egg protein into guinea pigs causes the development of deadly allergy/asthma. They REGULARLY inject egg/chick proteins (flu/MMR shots) into humans.
They caused the allergy and asthma epidemics. They cannot challenge this, so they will censor it.
How do scientists create peanut allergy in lab sheep? They VACCINATE them using peanut protein + aluminum adjuvant, exactly the same way doctors and immunologists create peanut allergy in babies.
"In Study 1 (n = 10) sheep were sensitised separately with a crude PN extract and OVA. The immunisation protocol involved 3 subcutaneous (s.c.) injections at 2-week intervals and a 4th ‘boost’ injection after a rest period of 4 weeks. Each injection comprised either 100 µg of solubilised crude PN extract or 100 µg of OVA prepared in a total of 1 ml sterile saline with 50 µl of a commercial aluminium adjuvant (alum); Rehydragel ® LV- Aluminium hydroxide (Reheis Inc/NJ, USA)."
SkepticalRaptor is wrong about peanut oil in vaccines. Vaccines are contaminated with numerous food proteins including peanut, per National Academy of Medicine thus causing the food allergy epidemic.
"The committee concluded the evidence convincingly supports 14 specific vaccine–adverse event relationships. In all but one of these relationships, the conclusion was based on strong mechanistic evidence with the epidemiologic evidence rated as either limited confidence or insufficient."
You cling to those failed epidemiologic studies to lie and market your vaccines.
We used robust mechanistic evidence to prove that vaccines cause asthma, autism, allergies and autoimmune diseases.
They teach you in medical school that injecting egg protein into guinea pigs causes the development of deadly allergy/asthma. You REGULARLY inject egg/chick proteins (flu/MMR shots) into humans.
You caused the allergy and asthma epidemics. You cannot challenge this, so you censor it.
Large scale studies funded by the drug companies… no vaccine has ever been properly safety tested and most clinical studies were for less than two weeks. The lies these Whitecoats keep telling g is appalling.
On point 3, the difference is that vaccines are injected aluminum, not orally consumed. The ATSDR’s limit is 1mg/kg body weight per day ORALLY, and this is based on .1% absorption rate into the bloodstream (digestive system blocks most of it). So the injectable limit based on these guidelines is .001 mg/kg body weight per day. For one example, the recombivax hep B shot has 250 micrograms of aluminum in it. Say a baby is 3.3kg, so their injectable daily aluminum limit would be 3.3 micrograms. This one shot alone is 75x the safe limit for a 7 lb baby. In other words, definitely not well below the safe limit as stated in your post.
Nobel Laureate Richet taught them a 100+ years ago to never inject alien proteins into humans.
They teach them in medical school that injecting egg protein into guinea pigs causes the development of deadly allergy/asthma. They REGULARLY inject egg/chick proteins (flu/MMR shots) into humans.
They caused the allergy and asthma epidemics. They cannot challenge this, so they will censor it.
UC Irvine, School of Medicine, Immunology notes:
pg. 157
Im glad you responded to this, I was thinking the same thing injection vs oral ... Thank you for your input
How do scientists create peanut allergy in lab sheep? They VACCINATE them using peanut protein + aluminum adjuvant, exactly the same way doctors and immunologists create peanut allergy in babies.
"In Study 1 (n = 10) sheep were sensitised separately with a crude PN extract and OVA. The immunisation protocol involved 3 subcutaneous (s.c.) injections at 2-week intervals and a 4th ‘boost’ injection after a rest period of 4 weeks. Each injection comprised either 100 µg of solubilised crude PN extract or 100 µg of OVA prepared in a total of 1 ml sterile saline with 50 µl of a commercial aluminium adjuvant (alum); Rehydragel ® LV- Aluminium hydroxide (Reheis Inc/NJ, USA)."
SkepticalRaptor is wrong about peanut oil in vaccines. Vaccines are contaminated with numerous food proteins including peanut, per National Academy of Medicine thus causing the food allergy epidemic.
The question is no longer: Do vaccines cause allergies/asthma? We know they do.
The question is when do the perpetrators get charged for their crimes?
"Large-Scale Studies"?!
The National Academy of Medicine found your epidemiological studies were useless 93% of the time (13 of 14).
"The committee concluded the evidence convincingly supports 14 specific vaccine–adverse event relationships. In all but one of these relationships, the conclusion was based on strong mechanistic evidence with the epidemiologic evidence rated as either limited confidence or insufficient."
You cling to those failed epidemiologic studies to lie and market your vaccines.
We used robust mechanistic evidence to prove that vaccines cause asthma, autism, allergies and autoimmune diseases.
Nobel Laureate Richet taught you a 100+ years ago to never inject alien proteins into humans.
They teach you in medical school that injecting egg protein into guinea pigs causes the development of deadly allergy/asthma. You REGULARLY inject egg/chick proteins (flu/MMR shots) into humans.
You caused the allergy and asthma epidemics. You cannot challenge this, so you censor it.
UC Irvine, School of Medicine, Immunology notes:
pg. 157
Wow, they are really trying hard to gaslight people to inject themself with poison. So diabolical.
Large scale studies funded by the drug companies… no vaccine has ever been properly safety tested and most clinical studies were for less than two weeks. The lies these Whitecoats keep telling g is appalling.
Some of them are 5 days even, I know that’s the case with the recombivax hep B shot. Completely fraudulent tests.
Yep… even less. Aluminum is not supposed to be injected period… these people are zombie liars.
nuance is from root words: shaded, clouded- these are inconsistent with evidence- although this article is artfully clouding it
These comments are insanity so far, keep up the fantastic work.
Do you have something intelligent to add Parrot?
What is insane about the comment I left? I literally just stated facts, I would love to hear your thoughts on how what I said was insane.