Great review! So important to address when these “articles” like this are spreading rampantly through communities who already have low vaccination rates .
Care to explain why Wyeth (now Pfizer) adopted a "small batch rule" to avoid hot lots of vaccines being shipped to any one area, after a cluster SIDS cases in one county in Tennessee?
First, the saying is: "You cannot prove a negative".
Second, the saying is a guide not an absolute. In fact, you CAN prove a negative when the evidence that SHOULD be there if your claim is true is NOT there.
Third, you need to understand that it is actually not about "proof" - that is just shorthand - but about "the preponderance of the evidence".
"We not only know vaccines cause SIDS"
Again, it is not about "knowing" but about the evidence. And the preponderance of the evidence is that vaccines do NOT cause SIDS. The article you are commenting on provided a summary of that preponderance of evidence.
"we understand the exact immunological mechanisms involved; Zonodo"
Are you joking? Zonodo is an "open journal" which means that you can literally publish anything you like there. It is not peer-reviewed before being published and will generally be ignored after being published. This particular article has ZERO citations after 8 years. It is also a "bioinformatics analysis" so, at most, a preliminary theoretical study and therefore useless when we already have large studies of actual vaccinations showing that vaccinations do NOT cause SIDS.
"explain why Wyeth (now Pfizer) adopted a "small batch rule" to avoid hot lots of vaccines being shipped to any one area, after a cluster SIDS cases in one county in Tennessee?"
This was way back in the late 1970s, and it was simply a precaution in case the cluster of 11 cases in Tennessee was related to the DTP vaccine they had received. Wouldn't you expect them to do this as a precautionary measure before the investigation into the cause was done? However, despite extensive investigations, no evidence was found to link the cluster to the vaccines. The batch was also thoroughly investigated and was not found to be faulty. By all accounts this was a random cluster. And just a reminder: random clusters are expected when events are truly random. Also, it may interest you to know that, after the vaccine was cleared, the "small batch rule" was discontinued.
Your incompetent biomed clowns have no certainty about what causes ANYTHING from allergies, asthma, autoimmunity, SIDS, autism etc. But they are magically certain that vaccines do not cause any of them. All based on corrupted ASSOCIATION epidemiology. These crimes will not go unpunished.
Wow! That's not the response I expected to my very considered, detailed, and respectful reply. Does that mean that you have no meaningful response to what I said?
"...have no certainty'
That is correct. Science is never 100% certain. This is why science is an ongoing process. That is why we see progress, because scientists never exclude anything but go with the most likely conclusion based on the amount of evidence that supports it but always leaving the path open for new evidence.
"But they are magically certain that vaccines do not cause any of them"
Nope, that is not what I said. I said - and read carefully this time - the vast majority of the evidence supports the view that vaccinations do not cause SIDS. I didn't even mention allergies, asthma, autoimmunity, and autism, but that applies as well. the vast majority of the evidence supports the view that vaccinations do not cause allergies, asthma, autoimmunity, autism, or SIDS
"corrupted ASSOCIATION epidemiology"
I will summarily dismiss this assertion unless and until it is backed up by evidence. I will say, though, that science has been practised by millions of scientists all over the world for 400 years, operating under widely different and varying scientific and political regimes. It is ludicrous to imagine that all these scientists have been in on a massive conspiracy to hoax the public. Also, science is extremely competitive, and you make a name for yourself by adding knowledge not by simply toeing the line.
You contradict yourself. You also expose how Pharma/corrupted regulators commit their crimes.
"vast majority" = truth, according to you.
So the lone voice of sanity is always ignored. Worse they are censored/deplatformed/delicensed. No way to "name for yourself by adding knowledge not by simply toeing the line". How are you going create a "vast majority of studies" to challenge the existing "vast majority"?
Pharma regulators repeat the same corrupted studies and claim their "vast majority" of lies is the truth. Drowns out the lone study showing the truth.
Congrats. "Scientific consensus" is nonsensus at best, a crime at worst.
"Distributing death is a "precautionary measure"?"
I see. So, you would have removed the DTP vaccine from the childhood vaccination program, would you? You would remove a vaccine with a long record of safety and efficacy because at one point in time, in one narrow locality, there was a cluster of cases of SIDS, something that you would eventually expect to happen by random chance. Is that right? A vaccine that has saved countless lives of children?
We have known for a 100+ years now that injecting alien proteins into humans is barbaric. Causes deadly allergies and fatal asthma. You insanely inject alien proteins into human and use corrupted "research/peer review" to lie that vaccines are safe. Biomed is organized crime. Those days are over. The hammer of justice is coming.
A lecture from 1913? Are you serious? That is 112 years ago? Do you not understand the vast amount of knowledge that has accrued over the last 112 years?
The lecture is about anaphylaxis.
None of the vaccines on the Childhood Vaccination Schedule were available except for tetanus toxoid, so this lecture cannot have been about vaccinations.
The incidence of anaphylaxis after a vaccination in the childhood schedule is about 1 in a million overall. And the vast majority can be successfully treated. Even if the success rate is only 95% (a conservative figure) that would be one death in 20 million doses of vaccine.
Compare that to the mortality rate of the infectious disease that vaccinations prevent. For example, in the case of measles, the mortality rate is 1 in a 1000.
Even kids know wounds must be kept clean and infection avoided. The barbarians we call "doctors", make a wound on purpose, damage nerves and pump live viruses into it (MMR vaccine). Predictably the virus enters the nerves and causes numerous diseases including encephalitis.
All this for a harmless respiratory virus. Route of exposure matters in immunology. Barbarians don't care.
Most doctors are fools who ignored that and they have poisoned generations. They are all guilty of assault.
We are talking about the concept of injected vaccines. Childhood/schedule are irrelevant. Everyone injected becomes allergic to everything in the vaccine (sensitization). 1 in a million will react to the next dose (anaphylaxis/elicitation). Vaccines contain food proteins. So you have the food allergy epidemic. Autism is just a special case of milk allergy.
People become allergic to the flu virus, tetanus toxoid, etc. So vaccines make all of them worse.
Infants put everything in their mouth. They evolved to catch every infection when protected by antibodies in breast milk. They "suffer" asymptomatic subclinical infection and build strong immunity. They pass it to the next generation. No one needed any vaccine. Until "public health" approved baby formula. Science never solved a problem without creating ten more - George Bernard Shaw.
It's not even over in the US, let alone around the world. There will be push back in the US from scientists and science educators who are dedicated to saving children's live and, if the inevitable happens, by the politicians themselves who will rein in the rampant stupidity of their new secretary of the HHS.
"The hammer of justice is coming."
And it's coming for RFK junior whose disinformation has caused the loss of countless lives of children over the last two decades, all so that he can make enormous profits as a lawyer.
You clowns are beyond hilarious! And irrelevant now.
Pharma rakes in trillions to make you sick and keep you sick for life and you want to talk about "enormous profit" Bobby can make suing Pharma out of existence?!
60% don't trust you clowns. And we have not even started. The truth is wildly popular. Try it some time.
This is clearly not someone with any background in science or medicine. And he is clearly deficient in even basic critical thinking skills. So, a typically crass supporter of MAHA and RFK junior. He also clearly has a garbage bin of ready-made copy-paste responses. He is also, clearly a crank and a conspiracy theorist. So, not someone with whom you can have a sensible discussion.
I suggest we let him rave and wallow in his own garbage until he has emptied his garbage bin all over himself.
You will NEVER convince me of this! The proof is long standing from the 1800’s that there’s not ONE, NOT ONE “safe” vaks!! Do your research on this! ALL diseases were in fact on the decline when these poisonous jabs were touted as safe! You’re also not taking into consideration that these so called studies aren’t manipulated and flat out lied about! If you believe in the depopulation agenda at all, maybe you can recognize this better. With the number of family members with autistic children that we watched decline, including a SIDS death of my nephew, along with the worldwide proof of these things being death jabs, absolutely, unequivocally NO!
Yes, the deaths reduced from thousands to hundreds because of science-based public health and sanitation measures. Since then, vaccinations have reduced the incidence from hundreds to tens of cases. And these are the deaths of children we are talking about. You are putting the lives of children at risk with your science illiterate rantings.
But I see you are a silly conspiracy theorist and not amenable to reason.
"public health agencies use more rigorous surveillance systems, such as the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Project, which rely on validated medical records to assess vaccine safety. It serves as an early warning system but cannot establish causation"
The "It" in the last sentence seems to refer to VSD and CISA, but it actually refers to VAERS.
If you are admitting VAERS and VSD are RIGOROUS safety surveillance systems, then why do all you indoctrinated people claim we cannot observe the obvious cause and effect of vaccine harms in VAERS reports? You discredit parents, who know their children better than the quacks in costumes, and dismiss VAERS reports showing cause and effect, and believe in the vaccines like a religion. Disgusting
"If you are admitting VAERS and VSD are RIGOROUS safety surveillance systems"
They are different and the article explains the difference. VAERS provides an early warning system. Those early warning signals can turn out to be true or false. That's where VSD comes in. It separates the true from the false signals.
"then why do all you indoctrinated people... "
You are not indoctrinated only if you accept something without thinking about it and understanding it. If you understand what is going on, you are not being indoctrinated, you are just learning and understanding stuff.
"claim we cannot observe the obvious cause and effect of vaccine harms in VAERS reports?"
Because VAERS reports:
- can be made by anyone, including lawyers for plaintiffs and anti-vaccine activists
- do not take into account the "base rate" of the signal (symptom or disease) in the population at large.
So, if VAERS reports produce a signal (symptom or disease) you need to first adjust for the rate of that signal (symptom or disease) in the population at large. If that still shows an association with the vaccine, then special studies need to be done using systems such as VSD which establish whether or not the vaccine actually caused that signal (symtom or disease)
"You discredit parents, who know their children better than the quacks"
Well, imagine if we just accepted everything a parent reported about their child after a vaccination as being caused by the vaccination. Not every single parent is attuned to their child. Not every single parent is intelligent. Not every single parent is aware of things like the "base rate".
"quacks who ... dismiss VAERS reports showing cause and effect"
Those quacks, as you call them, actually set up VAERS specifically for the purpose of detecting rare adverse effects and they set it up as an "early warning system" so that any adverse effects would be picked up as soon as possible. However, that also meant that sometimes the signal would be a false signal. But, no problem, because they also set up a system to distinguish between the true and false signals.
"quacks who ... believe in the vaccines like a religion"
Scientists don't beleive in vaccines like religion, they trust vaccines they have passed phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials and have stood up to post-marketing surveilance through VAERS and VSD . That is exactly why they set up VAERS as an early warning system, despite its flaws, and why they set up VSD to deal with its flaws.
Most vaccines never get rolled out to the public because they fail phase 1, 2, or 3 clinical trials. If they pass clinical trials, it means they are far safer than the diseases they prevent leaving only rare adverse effects which can only be picked up after the vaccine gets rolled out to large numbers of the general public and picked up by VAERS reports and confirmed through VSD.
This article makes to old mistake of putting the false claims instead of their correction.
Unfortunately, people tend to remember the first thing they read. You should correct the claim before ever mentioning the false claim. For example: "Vaccines are NOT a cause of infant deaths and VAERS is NOT an appropriate source for this type of information" before ever mentioning the false claim and then you should also preface it with FALSE CLAIM: "VAERS data is proof of vaccine-related deaths".
Great review! So important to address when these “articles” like this are spreading rampantly through communities who already have low vaccination rates .
Thank you for all of your hard work to present facts.
"Vaccines Don't Cause SIDS"
First, science cannot prove a negative.
We not only know vaccines cause SIDS, we understand the exact immunological mechanisms involved.
Care to explain why Wyeth (now Pfizer) adopted a "small batch rule" to avoid hot lots of vaccines being shipped to any one area, after a cluster SIDS cases in one county in Tennessee?
"First, science cannot prove a negative."
First, the saying is: "You cannot prove a negative".
Second, the saying is a guide not an absolute. In fact, you CAN prove a negative when the evidence that SHOULD be there if your claim is true is NOT there.
Third, you need to understand that it is actually not about "proof" - that is just shorthand - but about "the preponderance of the evidence".
"We not only know vaccines cause SIDS"
Again, it is not about "knowing" but about the evidence. And the preponderance of the evidence is that vaccines do NOT cause SIDS. The article you are commenting on provided a summary of that preponderance of evidence.
"we understand the exact immunological mechanisms involved; Zonodo"
Are you joking? Zonodo is an "open journal" which means that you can literally publish anything you like there. It is not peer-reviewed before being published and will generally be ignored after being published. This particular article has ZERO citations after 8 years. It is also a "bioinformatics analysis" so, at most, a preliminary theoretical study and therefore useless when we already have large studies of actual vaccinations showing that vaccinations do NOT cause SIDS.
"explain why Wyeth (now Pfizer) adopted a "small batch rule" to avoid hot lots of vaccines being shipped to any one area, after a cluster SIDS cases in one county in Tennessee?"
This was way back in the late 1970s, and it was simply a precaution in case the cluster of 11 cases in Tennessee was related to the DTP vaccine they had received. Wouldn't you expect them to do this as a precautionary measure before the investigation into the cause was done? However, despite extensive investigations, no evidence was found to link the cluster to the vaccines. The batch was also thoroughly investigated and was not found to be faulty. By all accounts this was a random cluster. And just a reminder: random clusters are expected when events are truly random. Also, it may interest you to know that, after the vaccine was cleared, the "small batch rule" was discontinued.
Your incompetent biomed clowns have no certainty about what causes ANYTHING from allergies, asthma, autoimmunity, SIDS, autism etc. But they are magically certain that vaccines do not cause any of them. All based on corrupted ASSOCIATION epidemiology. These crimes will not go unpunished.
"Your incompetent biomed clowns..."
Wow! That's not the response I expected to my very considered, detailed, and respectful reply. Does that mean that you have no meaningful response to what I said?
"...have no certainty'
That is correct. Science is never 100% certain. This is why science is an ongoing process. That is why we see progress, because scientists never exclude anything but go with the most likely conclusion based on the amount of evidence that supports it but always leaving the path open for new evidence.
"But they are magically certain that vaccines do not cause any of them"
Nope, that is not what I said. I said - and read carefully this time - the vast majority of the evidence supports the view that vaccinations do not cause SIDS. I didn't even mention allergies, asthma, autoimmunity, and autism, but that applies as well. the vast majority of the evidence supports the view that vaccinations do not cause allergies, asthma, autoimmunity, autism, or SIDS
"corrupted ASSOCIATION epidemiology"
I will summarily dismiss this assertion unless and until it is backed up by evidence. I will say, though, that science has been practised by millions of scientists all over the world for 400 years, operating under widely different and varying scientific and political regimes. It is ludicrous to imagine that all these scientists have been in on a massive conspiracy to hoax the public. Also, science is extremely competitive, and you make a name for yourself by adding knowledge not by simply toeing the line.
You contradict yourself. You also expose how Pharma/corrupted regulators commit their crimes.
"vast majority" = truth, according to you.
So the lone voice of sanity is always ignored. Worse they are censored/deplatformed/delicensed. No way to "name for yourself by adding knowledge not by simply toeing the line". How are you going create a "vast majority of studies" to challenge the existing "vast majority"?
Pharma regulators repeat the same corrupted studies and claim their "vast majority" of lies is the truth. Drowns out the lone study showing the truth.
Congrats. "Scientific consensus" is nonsensus at best, a crime at worst.
$72 billion corrupts US "research" alone.
"you make a name for yourself by adding knowledge not by simply toeing the line"
Do you live on Mars?
Anyone who told the truth gets Wakefielded. If scientific disagreements are allowed why the vicious attack on Wakefield?
Anyone who prescribed ivermectin for COVID, lost their license.
#Nuremberg2 coming up.
Now 85% of doctors reject the mRNA death jabs.
"Science is never 100% certain"
Thanks for confirming this article is a LIE: "SIDS: A Parent's Worst Fear Has Nothing to Do With Vaccines"
Another LIE: "Vaccine do not cause autism"
Another LIE: "Benefits outweigh the risks"
You don't even know what's in the vaccine. But you LIE: "Benefits outweigh the risks".
"Safe and effective" is not a lie. It's TWO LIES.
" the vast majority of the evidence supports the view that vaccinations do not cause SIDS"
The vast majority of doctors killed people by refusing to wash their hands between handling cadavers and delivering babies.
Your science-by-democracy has killed millions.
"Wouldn't you expect them to do this as a precautionary measure before the investigation into the cause was done?"
Distributing death is a "precautionary measure"?
"Distributing death is a "precautionary measure"?"
I see. So, you would have removed the DTP vaccine from the childhood vaccination program, would you? You would remove a vaccine with a long record of safety and efficacy because at one point in time, in one narrow locality, there was a cluster of cases of SIDS, something that you would eventually expect to happen by random chance. Is that right? A vaccine that has saved countless lives of children?
No one needs ANY vaccine. Vaccines have saved no one. Vaccines are the worst scam in history.
"long record of safety"
We have known for a 100+ years that alien proteins can never be injected safely into humans. So you swallowed their lies.
We have known for a 100+ years now that injecting alien proteins into humans is barbaric. Causes deadly allergies and fatal asthma. You insanely inject alien proteins into human and use corrupted "research/peer review" to lie that vaccines are safe. Biomed is organized crime. Those days are over. The hammer of justice is coming.
pg. 157
A lecture from 1913? Are you serious? That is 112 years ago? Do you not understand the vast amount of knowledge that has accrued over the last 112 years?
The lecture is about anaphylaxis.
None of the vaccines on the Childhood Vaccination Schedule were available except for tetanus toxoid, so this lecture cannot have been about vaccinations.
The incidence of anaphylaxis after a vaccination in the childhood schedule is about 1 in a million overall. And the vast majority can be successfully treated. Even if the success rate is only 95% (a conservative figure) that would be one death in 20 million doses of vaccine.
Compare that to the mortality rate of the infectious disease that vaccinations prevent. For example, in the case of measles, the mortality rate is 1 in a 1000.
Even kids know wounds must be kept clean and infection avoided. The barbarians we call "doctors", make a wound on purpose, damage nerves and pump live viruses into it (MMR vaccine). Predictably the virus enters the nerves and causes numerous diseases including encephalitis.
All this for a harmless respiratory virus. Route of exposure matters in immunology. Barbarians don't care.
Stop using electricity. You know how old it is?
Richet's findings are taught in med school today. Pg. 157.
Most doctors are fools who ignored that and they have poisoned generations. They are all guilty of assault.
We are talking about the concept of injected vaccines. Childhood/schedule are irrelevant. Everyone injected becomes allergic to everything in the vaccine (sensitization). 1 in a million will react to the next dose (anaphylaxis/elicitation). Vaccines contain food proteins. So you have the food allergy epidemic. Autism is just a special case of milk allergy.
People become allergic to the flu virus, tetanus toxoid, etc. So vaccines make all of them worse.
Infants put everything in their mouth. They evolved to catch every infection when protected by antibodies in breast milk. They "suffer" asymptomatic subclinical infection and build strong immunity. They pass it to the next generation. No one needed any vaccine. Until "public health" approved baby formula. Science never solved a problem without creating ten more - George Bernard Shaw.
"Those days are over. '
It's not even over in the US, let alone around the world. There will be push back in the US from scientists and science educators who are dedicated to saving children's live and, if the inevitable happens, by the politicians themselves who will rein in the rampant stupidity of their new secretary of the HHS.
"The hammer of justice is coming."
And it's coming for RFK junior whose disinformation has caused the loss of countless lives of children over the last two decades, all so that he can make enormous profits as a lawyer.
You clowns are beyond hilarious! And irrelevant now.
Pharma rakes in trillions to make you sick and keep you sick for life and you want to talk about "enormous profit" Bobby can make suing Pharma out of existence?!
60% don't trust you clowns. And we have not even started. The truth is wildly popular. Try it some time.
Vinu "the clown" Arumugham:
Every accusation is an admission ;)
This is clearly not someone with any background in science or medicine. And he is clearly deficient in even basic critical thinking skills. So, a typically crass supporter of MAHA and RFK junior. He also clearly has a garbage bin of ready-made copy-paste responses. He is also, clearly a crank and a conspiracy theorist. So, not someone with whom you can have a sensible discussion.
I suggest we let him rave and wallow in his own garbage until he has emptied his garbage bin all over himself.
You will NEVER convince me of this! The proof is long standing from the 1800’s that there’s not ONE, NOT ONE “safe” vaks!! Do your research on this! ALL diseases were in fact on the decline when these poisonous jabs were touted as safe! You’re also not taking into consideration that these so called studies aren’t manipulated and flat out lied about! If you believe in the depopulation agenda at all, maybe you can recognize this better. With the number of family members with autistic children that we watched decline, including a SIDS death of my nephew, along with the worldwide proof of these things being death jabs, absolutely, unequivocally NO!
Yes, the deaths reduced from thousands to hundreds because of science-based public health and sanitation measures. Since then, vaccinations have reduced the incidence from hundreds to tens of cases. And these are the deaths of children we are talking about. You are putting the lives of children at risk with your science illiterate rantings.
But I see you are a silly conspiracy theorist and not amenable to reason.
I’m sorry you’re beyond indoctrinated.
Yes indeed Joey,
There's one in every crowd.
There is a misleading statement in this section:
"public health agencies use more rigorous surveillance systems, such as the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Project, which rely on validated medical records to assess vaccine safety. It serves as an early warning system but cannot establish causation"
The "It" in the last sentence seems to refer to VSD and CISA, but it actually refers to VAERS.
If you are admitting VAERS and VSD are RIGOROUS safety surveillance systems, then why do all you indoctrinated people claim we cannot observe the obvious cause and effect of vaccine harms in VAERS reports? You discredit parents, who know their children better than the quacks in costumes, and dismiss VAERS reports showing cause and effect, and believe in the vaccines like a religion. Disgusting
"If you are admitting VAERS and VSD are RIGOROUS safety surveillance systems"
They are different and the article explains the difference. VAERS provides an early warning system. Those early warning signals can turn out to be true or false. That's where VSD comes in. It separates the true from the false signals.
"then why do all you indoctrinated people... "
You are not indoctrinated only if you accept something without thinking about it and understanding it. If you understand what is going on, you are not being indoctrinated, you are just learning and understanding stuff.
"claim we cannot observe the obvious cause and effect of vaccine harms in VAERS reports?"
Because VAERS reports:
- can be made by anyone, including lawyers for plaintiffs and anti-vaccine activists
- do not take into account the "base rate" of the signal (symptom or disease) in the population at large.
So, if VAERS reports produce a signal (symptom or disease) you need to first adjust for the rate of that signal (symptom or disease) in the population at large. If that still shows an association with the vaccine, then special studies need to be done using systems such as VSD which establish whether or not the vaccine actually caused that signal (symtom or disease)
"You discredit parents, who know their children better than the quacks"
Well, imagine if we just accepted everything a parent reported about their child after a vaccination as being caused by the vaccination. Not every single parent is attuned to their child. Not every single parent is intelligent. Not every single parent is aware of things like the "base rate".
"quacks who ... dismiss VAERS reports showing cause and effect"
Those quacks, as you call them, actually set up VAERS specifically for the purpose of detecting rare adverse effects and they set it up as an "early warning system" so that any adverse effects would be picked up as soon as possible. However, that also meant that sometimes the signal would be a false signal. But, no problem, because they also set up a system to distinguish between the true and false signals.
"quacks who ... believe in the vaccines like a religion"
Scientists don't beleive in vaccines like religion, they trust vaccines they have passed phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials and have stood up to post-marketing surveilance through VAERS and VSD . That is exactly why they set up VAERS as an early warning system, despite its flaws, and why they set up VSD to deal with its flaws.
Most vaccines never get rolled out to the public because they fail phase 1, 2, or 3 clinical trials. If they pass clinical trials, it means they are far safer than the diseases they prevent leaving only rare adverse effects which can only be picked up after the vaccine gets rolled out to large numbers of the general public and picked up by VAERS reports and confirmed through VSD.
There are some grammatical errors in the above, but the system doesn't allow me to edit the comment, so I hope it still makes sense.
This article makes to old mistake of putting the false claims instead of their correction.
Unfortunately, people tend to remember the first thing they read. You should correct the claim before ever mentioning the false claim. For example: "Vaccines are NOT a cause of infant deaths and VAERS is NOT an appropriate source for this type of information" before ever mentioning the false claim and then you should also preface it with FALSE CLAIM: "VAERS data is proof of vaccine-related deaths".