Unbiased Science Isn't Going Anywhere.
Fighting for Public Health Through Science Communication and Beyond
Hey there,
No, this isn't another politically charged message flooding your screens today. Promise.
It's Jess here, and I need to be real with you for a minute.
These past few days have been... a lot. I won't sugarcoat it – there's uncertainty swirling around the future of public health, and yes, that's scary. We've all heard the concerning proposals: removing fluoride from water supplies, rolling back vaccination programs, and dismantling regulatory protections that prevent food-borne illness outbreaks. These aren't just policy changes – they represent decades of public health progress at risk.
I hear your fears. They're valid. The potential appointment of anti-science figures to key positions, the threats to evidence-based programs, the possible rollback of life-saving public health measures – these are serious concerns that shouldn't be minimized or dismissed.
But here's what gives me hope: I see more scientists, healthcare workers, students, and advocates than ever doubling down on their commitment to public health. From local health departments to community organizations, dedicated professionals are preparing to protect public health at every level. While some are choosing to fight at the federal level, others are strengthening state and local programs. Every level matters.
This isn't an oversimplification of a complex situation – the challenges ahead are real and significant. But you should know this: there are thousands of committed professionals who give a damn about you and your health. We're in every community, at every level, and we're not going anywhere.
Together, we're committed to:
Protecting evidence-based public health measures that save lives
Fighting to maintain critical health protections in all communities
Working toward genuine health equity (because everyone deserves access to health-promoting resources)
Keeping scientific integrity at the forefront
Building healthier communities, regardless of political divisions
Will the next few years be challenging? Absolutely. Will we need to fight harder than ever to protect public health progress? Without question. But we're preparing for that fight – at federal, state, and local levels.
Today, tomorrow, and however long it takes, we'll be here. Unbiased Science, along with countless other science communicators and public health advocates, stands ready to protect and promote the health of all communities.
This isn't about blind optimism – it's about commitment and action in the face of real challenges. The path ahead may be difficult, but we're stronger together.
The fight for public health happens at every level, and every voice matters.
Today, and always, we are proud and honored to deliver unbiased science to you— and that won’t ever change.
Stay curious,
Unbiased Science
P.S. If you're feeling called to action, consider:
Supporting your local public health department
Getting involved in community health initiatives
Sharing evidence-based information with your networks
Speaking up for science-based policies at all levels of government
Thank-you for your commitment! I don't think there's ever been a time where we need it more.